Superclass Role:
- grid
- tree
Required Owned Elements:
- row
Inherited States and Properties:
- aria-activedescendant
- aria-atomic
- aria-busy (state)
- aria-controls
- aria-describedby
- aria-disabled (state)
- aria-dropeffect
- aria-expanded (state)
- aria-flowto
- aria-grabbed (state)
- aria-haspopup
- aria-hidden (state)
- aria-invalid (state)
- aria-label
- aria-labelledby
- aria-level
- aria-live
- aria-multiselectable
- aria-owns
- aria-readonly
- aria-relevant
- aria-required
Name From:
- author
Accessible Name Required:
- True
A grid whose rows can be expanded and collapsed in the same manner as for a tree.
A treegrid role is similar to a tree role element but a treegrid is by default an editable element. To make a treegrid read-only, set the aria-readonly attribute of the treegrid to true. The value of the treegrid element's aria-readonly attribute is implicitly propagated to all of its owned gridcell elements, and will be exposed through the accessibility API. An author may override an individual gridcell element's propagated aria-readonly value by setting the aria-readonly attribute on the gridcell.
To be keyboard accessible, authors should manage focus of descendants for all instances of this role.
Microsoft Active Accessibility accRole Property:
UI Automation ControlType Property:
- DataGrid
UI Automation AriaRole Property:
- treegrid